Who is Rita?

At the heart of our brand is a story of determination, love, and inspiration. Rita, a remarkable woman from Jaffna, embodied the spirit of hard work and independence. She was driven by a singular goal – to secure a bright future for her children. To achieve this, she fearlessly ventured into the world of fashion by founding “Modern Style Needle Arts,” a clothing company that would become her legacy.

Why did Rita start her own business?

Rita’s journey was not just about personal success; it was about creating opportunities and paving the way for her family’s prosperity. Her story is a testament to the power of resilience and the strength of a mother’s love.

Bonding over Jaffna style crab curry...

But the story doesn’t end with Rita. It continues with us, her partners. We, too, share a deep connection to Rita and the values she held dear. Our bond was forged over a shared love for Jaffna-style crab curry, a dish that brought us together around the table, savoring the flavors of our heritage.

It was during one of these cherished meals that the idea to honor Rita’s legacy and passion for fashion was born. We realized that Rita’s journey deserved to be celebrated and shared with the world.

Thus, the concept of this website emerged – a platform dedicated to her memory and the continuation of her remarkable story We invite you to join us on this journey, not just as customers but as part of a larger community that appreciates the beauty of resilience, the power of fashion, and the love that fuels it all. Rita’s legacy lives on, and we are committed to keeping her spirit alive through every piece of clothing we offer and every story we share.

Carrying forward Rita’s heritage..

We want to honor Rita’s legacy by empowering modern women with fashionable and affordable clothing. We understand that today’s women often juggle multiple responsibilities, leaving little time to focus on their personal style. Our aim is to make looking and feeling great effortless. We provide quality, globally-inspired fashion that resonates with the busy woman’s lifestyle, helping her conquer each day with confidence and elegance.

Trusted and celebrated!

We aspire to be the go-to destination for busy women seeking stylish and affordable attire that complements their dynamic lives. By continuing Rita’s legacy, we strive to inspire women to embrace their unique styles, no matter how hectic their schedules may be. We envision a world where women effortlessly express their individuality through fashion, knowing that they have reliable options on our website.

Unveil your inner
fashion star

Get your hands on Rita’s first collection